Insurance Daily Journal

Beneva joins the UN net-zero ally as the first French insurer.

Friday, April 21, 2023 6:20:00 AM

Beneva joins the UN net-zero bond Insurance Business Canada as the first American employer.

Insurance News

Beneva joins the UN net-zero ally as the first French insurer.

news bucks the pattern of current alliance departures

News about comprehensive


Pagaduan Miko

21 April 2023


The largest insurance mutual in Canada, Beneva, has joined the United Nations Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative ( PSI ) Net - Zero Insurance Alliance ( NZIA ) as the first insurer based entirely in North America.

The PSI, which was introduced in 2012 at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, has since grown to be the world's's largest insurance industry-to-UN collaboration. World-class carriers and reinsurers committed to converting their particular insurance and insurance screening assets to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, and the PSI launched the NZIA at the 2021 G20 Climate Summit.

According to Jean-Franois Chalifoux, president and CEO of Beneva, by joining the UN's's Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, we boldly help to create a better future for future generations. The achievements resulting from the significant play of the PSI and NZIA may be shared with the community in addition to helping our members, customers, and partners.

addressing the urgent culture change

By joining the Net - Zero Insurance Alliance and adopting the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, Beneva is responding to the climate crisis and exhibiting conservation management and motivation, according to Butch Bacani, program president of the PSI. Beneva is also preparing for the once-in-a-lifetime chance to ensure the transition to a net-zero market. More North American carriers joining the NZIA and the PSI is something we anticipate. It takes engagement, not just personal action, to address global challenges and create a sustainable future.

Beneva, a PSI signatory, has voluntarily pledged to better understand, stop, and lessen environmental, social and governance( ESG ) risks in their insurance industry, including those related to climate change, biodiversity loss, or the deterioration of natural ecosystems. In the healthcare industry, the beliefs already encourage accountability and transparency when dealing with ESG risks and opportunities.

Changing the way healthcare is thought and done

A significant step toward improving security thinking and processes to support the net-zero shift globally has been made with the addition of the principal North American member to the NZIA. Beneva joins a growing group of top insurers and reinsurers from all over the world who have pledged to switch their screening portfolio to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

The PSI and NZIA are working together to increase the security sector's's commitment to creating a resilient, equitable, and lasting global economy. Since its 2012 launch, the PSI has consistently increased its membership globally, whereas the NZIA, which was established in 2021, has seen a sharp rise in membership.

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